Weather and Climate, ch-3, class-5,

1:- What is Weather?
Ans:- The sudden change in environment for short period of time is called weather.

2:- What is Climate? 
Ans:- Climate is the average weather conditions in a given area over a long period of time. 

3:- Write six factors that affect the climates. 
Ans:- The six factors that affect the climate are:- 
Latitude, Altitude, Winds, Distance from the sea, humidity and rainfall. 

4:- How does latitude affect the climate? 
Ans:- The Sun rays fall directly on equator so the climate is the hottest on equator. When we move towards the poles. The climate become less hot due to the slanting sun rays. 

5:- How does wind affect the climate? 
Ans:- Wind also affects the climate. The hot wind makes the climate hot while the cold wind makes the climate cold. The monsoon winds bring rain and clouds with them. 

6:- What is sea breeze? 
Ans:- The wind blowing from the sea to the land is called sea breeze. The sea breeze always occurs during the day. 

7:- What is land breeze? 
Ans:- Ans:- The wind blowing from the land to the sea is called land breeze. The land breeze always occurs during the night. 

8:- What is monsoon? 
Ans:- The seasnol winds that carry rain and clouds with them is called monsoon.

9:-How does south-west monsoon help us?
Ans:- The south-west monsoon winds cause rain fall between june and september.

10:- How does North-East monsoon help us?
Ans:- The North-East monsoon winds cause rain fall in December and January.

11:- How does distance from the sea affect the climate?
Ans:- Distance from the sea also affect the climate of a place. Places close to the sea have a moderate climate.But places that are far away from the sea have very hot climate in summer and very cold climate in winter.

12:- What is moderate climate?
Ans:- The climate that is not very hot in summer and not very cold in winter , such a climate is called moderate climate.

13:- How does altitude affect the climate?
Ans:- The height of a place from the sea level is called a altitude. The temperature in higher altitude is much lower than the plains. When the height from the sea level increases than the temperature decreases, and when the height from the sea level decreases than the temperature increases.

14:- How does humidity and rainfall affect the climate?
Ans:- Humidity also affects the climate. The moisture present in the air makes the air humid. The humid air causes frequent rainfall.

15:- How many types of climatic zone or heat zone? name them.
Ans:- There are three types of climatic zone or heat zone
          1-Torid Zone
          2-Temperate Zone
          3-frigid Zone

16:- What is torid zone? Why does it always remain hot?
Ans:- The Torid Zone is the Zone that spread between the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere.The climate here remains hot and humid throughout the year since the sun rays fall vertically on this area.

17:- Where does the Temperate Zone lie? What is the climate of this zone like ?
Ans:- The area between the torrid zone and frigid zone in both the hemispheres is called Temperate zone. The climate of this zone is not very hot in the summers and not very cold in the winters. because this region receives slanting rays of the sun and has mild summers and cool winters.

18:- Where is the Frigid Zone? Why does it always remain cold
Ans:- The area between the Arctic circle and the north pole in the Northern Hemisphere and between the Antarctic circle and South pole in the southern Hemisphere comes under the frigid zone. This area is always very cold since the sunrays are weak and slanting in the zone. 

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