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The Climate of India, Ch-7, Class-4,

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1:- What is weather? 
Ans:- A sudden change in environment for short period of time is called weather. 

2:- What is Climate? 
Ans:- Climate is the average weather conditions in a given area over a long period of time. 

3:- Write two factors that influence the climate of a place. 
Ans:- The two factors that influence the climate are temperature and rainfall. 

4:- How many main seasons in India?
And:- There are there main seasons in India. 
  1- Summer season 
  2- Rainy season 
  3- Winter season 

5:- Which fruits do you eat dring winter? 
Ans:- We eat fruits like apples oranges and peaches during the winter. 

6:- What are the fruits eaten in summer?
And:- We eat fruits like mangoes, watermelon and muskmelon during summer. 

7:- Name ant two fruits that we eat throughout the year. 
Ans:- Papaya and Banana

8:- What are the leafy vegetables eaten in winter? 
Ans:- The leafy vegetables eaten in winter are Spinach, Bathua and Sarson. 

9:- What are loo?
Ans:- The hot dry winds blow on the northern plains is called loo.

10:- What are the western disturbance? What is its effects? 
Ans:- The strong winds blown during the winter season from the west is called western disturbance. It causes light rainfall in the plains and snow fall in the mountains. 

11:- Why is rainy season also called monsoon season? How long does it remain in India? 
Ans:- During winter, winds come from bay of Bengal and Arabian sea. Because of these winds, rainy rainy season is also called monsoon season. It remains about five months in India from June to November. 

12:- Describe Winter season. 
Ans:- The winter season starts from the middle of November and continues till February. The days become shorter and nights become longer. December January are the coolest months in most parts of North and Central India. The mountains are very cold during this time. Fruits like apples, oranges, peaches and many leafy vegetables like spinach, Bathua and Sarson grow during this season. 

13:- Write a short paragraph on the summer season. 
Ans:- In India, the summer season begins from the middle of March and continues till the end of June. Almost all the parts of India become dry and hot during summer. The days are very hot and longer than nights during this time. The states lying in Himalayan region like jammu and Kashmir and Himachal pradesh experience no summer. They have a cool climate during summer because in hilly regions. The southern part of India is not so hot during summers as it is surrounded by sea on three sides. 

14:- Describe the Rainy season. 
Ans:- The rainy season starts in June and lasts till the end of September. The average rainfall in our country is about 120 centimetres. While many parts of Meghalaya receive over 800 centimetres of annual rainfall, some areas of Rajasthan receive less than 10 centimetres of annual rainfall. The Coromandel Coast of Tamil nadu receives rainfall in November-December. 


The coastal plains and the island, Ch-6, Class-4,

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1:- What is the coastal plains? 
Ans:- There is a narrow strip of plain along the both side eastern and western peninsula is called coastal plain. The total length of coastal plain is 6100km. 

2:- What is western coastal plains? 
Ans:- The plains along the western coast, starting from Gujarat, are called the Western coastal plains. 

3:- What is Eastern coastal plains? 
Ans:- The plains along the eastern coast, starting from West Bengal, are called the eastern coastal plains. 

4:- Where does the western coastal plain and eastern coast plain meet? 
Ans:- Kanyakumari

5:- Write a difference between eastern coast plain and western coastal plain. 
Ans:- Eastern coastal plain lies between eastern ghat and Bay of Bengal while western coastal plains lies between western ghats and Arabian sea. 

6:- Write all the states through which western coastal plain passes 
And:- Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnatka, Kerala.

7:- In how many parts western coastal plain devided ?
Ans:- The western coastal plain devided in three parts. 
 1- Konkan coast
 2- Kannada plain
 3- Malabar coast

8:- Write four name of rivers that flow through western coastal plains. 
Ans:- Tali, Narmada, Mandovi and Zuari. 

9:- What is the average width of western coastal plain. 
Ans:- 65 km

10:- Write all the states name through which eastern coastal plains passes. 
Ans:- West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. 

11:- In how many parts eastern coastal plain decided? 
Ans:- The eastern coastal plain devided into three parts. 
Ans:- Northern circars
         Coromandel coast

12:- Write four name of rivers that flow through eastern coast. 
Ans:- Mahanadi, Godavri, Krishna, and Lavern. 

13:- What is the average width of eastern coastal plain? 
Ans:- 120 Km

14:- What are Island? Write example. 
Ans:- Those land froms that are surrounded by water on four sides are called island. 
  Ex:- Andman and Nicobar Island 
         Lakshadweep Island

15:- Where is Andman and Nicobar Island? 
Ans:- It is in Bay of Bengal. 

16:- Where is Lakshadweep Island? 
Ans:- It is in Arabian sea. 

17:- Where does the Eastern coastal plain lies? 
Ans:- The eastern coastal plain lies between eastern ghat and Bay of Bengal. 

18:- Write short notes on the physical features of Andman and Nicobar Island. 
Ans:- The Andman and Nicobar Islands are groups of about 572 islands in the Bay of Bengal, having an area of 8073 km². The northern group of islands is known as the Andman islands and the southern group of islands is called the Nicobar Islands. The two are separated by the Ten degree Channel, which is some 150 km wide. These are beautiful islands, although only about 34 are permanently inhabited. Paddy is mostly cultivated in the Andman group of islands while coconut and arecanut are the major cash crops of the Nicobar group of islands. Rubber, plan and cashew are grown on limited scale in these islands. 

19:- Where is the  capital of Andman and Nicobar? 
Ans:- Port blair

20:- Why is the cellular jail of port Blair famous? 
Ans:- The Cellular jail located in port Blair is very famous because the freedom fighters of India were jailed here during British rule. Today it is a national monument. 

21:- Write five lines on Lakshadweep Island. 
Ans:- The Lakshadweep Island is in the Arabian sea out of around 36 islands. Only 10 of the islands are inhabited. The land surface of these islands covers an area of only 32 km². Fishing is the main occupation. Coconut is grown in plenty here. 

22:- Where is the capital of Lakshadweep Island? 
Ans:- Karavatti

23:- Why Lakshadweep Islands are also called coral Island? 
Ans:- Lakshadweep Island are also known as coral Islands because they are made of the skeletons of corals. 

24:- Write a few sentences about Gujarat. 
Ans:- Gujarat is one of the states of India. People are mostly traders and farmers. Amul, the famous Indian dairy cooperative, is based here. The main crops of Gujarat are wheat, jowar, bajra, cotton and sugarcane. Ahmadabad, the principal city, has many textile mills. Men of Gujarat wear dhotis and long or short coats while women wear lehenga-cholis or Sarees. 

25:- Where is the capital of Gujarat? 
Ans:- Gndhinagar

26:- Which language is mainly spoken in Gujarat? 
Ans:- Gujrati

27:- Which is the famous falk dance of Gujarat? 
Ans:- Raas-garba

28:- Write three important Hindu religious centre in Gujarat. 
Ans:- Sunbath temple, Dwarkadhish, Akashardham temple. 

29:- Where is Gir national park? Why it is famous for? 
Ans:- Gir national park is in Gujarat. It is famous for Asiatic lion. 

30:- Where is the largest ship port of India? 
Ans:- Mumbai

31:- What is Bombay high? 
Ans:- Bombay high is a region in konkan coast where large deposits of petrol are found. 

32:- Describe the states of Goa. 
Ans:- Goa lies to the south of Maharashtra. Panji is the capital of Goa. Goa is a popular tourist destination. The Basilica of Bom Jesus is one of the oldest churches of India. It is situated in panaji. Mahalakshmi temple and Fort Aguada are other places of tourist interest. Christmas is the main festival of Goa. Most people are farmers or fishermen. Rice, cashew, mangoes and coconut are grown here. 

33:- Write four spices that grown in Karnatka. 
Ans:- Cardamom, cloves, cumin and black pepper. 

34:- Where is the capital of Kerala? 
Ans:- Thiruvananthapuram

35:- Write two main language of Kerala. 
Ans:- Malayalam and English 

36:- Write two main dance form of Kerala. 
Ans:- Kathakali and Mohiniattam

37:- Which state of India has highest literacy rate? 
Ans:- Kerala

38:- Write an harvest festival that is celebrated in Kerala. 
Ans:- Onam

39:- Which state is famous for snakeboat racing and sweet dish payasm? 
Ans:- Kerala

40:- Where is odisha? What are its popular tourist places? 
Ans:- Odisha lies to the south of west Bengal. The temples at Bhubaneshwar, Ours and Konark and the Chilika lake with its bird sanctuary are some popular tourist places of odisha. 

41:- Write an important sea port of Andhra Pradesh. 
Ans:- Vishakhapatnam

42:- Which is the longest beach of India? 
Ans:- Marina beach of Chennai 

43:- What is the rice bowl of Tamil nadu? 
Ans:- The Kaveri river forms a delta along the Coromandel Coast. It is called the Rice Bowl of Tamil Nadu. 

44:- What is Vivekananda rock? 
Ans:- The Vivekananda Rock Memorial has been built on a small island near the coast called Vivekananda Rock. 

45:- What is Puducherry? 
Ans:- Puducherry is a union territory. 

46:- Where is Surrounded Ashram and Maitri temple? 
Ans:- Puducherry 

47:- Write three important language of Puducherry. 
Ans:- Tamil, English and French  


The Prairie grasslands, ch-7, class-5,

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1:- Where is the Savanna grassland? 
Ans:- Africa

2:- Where is prairies grasslands?
Ans:- North America 

3:- Where is velds grasslands? 
Ans:- South Africa 

4:- Where is the downs grassland? 
Ans:- Australia 

5:- Where is Steppes grasslands? 
Ans:- Asia and europe

6:- Where is pampas grasslands?
Ans:- South America 

7:- What is the extent of the prairies?
Ans:- Prairies is extent from Canada to Mexico in North America. Rivers Missouri and Mississippi flow through this region. 

8:- Which rivers flow through the prairies? 
Ans:- Rivers Missouri and Mississippi flow through this region. 

9:- Who is the largest farming region of the world? 
Ans:- Prairies 

10:- What is the meaning of Prairies
Ans:- Prairies is a French word the meaning of prairies is grassland. 

11:- The grassland are known by different name in different part of the world. Explain. 
Ans:- These grasslands are known by different names in different parts of the world. They are called Savanna in North Africa, prairies in North America, beds in South Africa, downs in Australia Steppes in Asia and Europe and pampas in South Africa. 

12:- What do you known about the vegetation of prairies? 
Ans:- The prairies were home to thousand of bisons before the arrival of the European. Today, it is the largest farming region of the world. Grasses of many kinds grow here. These grasses grow very tall in moisture and short in areas where receiving lesser rainfall. The climate here is not suitable for the growth of tall trees. Only a few short trees can be found here. 

13:-Describe the wildlife of prairies? 
Ans-Bisons are found in prairies but in much less numbers than before. The other inhabitants of these grasslands are fox, antelope, elk ferret, prairie dog, coyote and badger. The birds that live here are hawk, falcon, golden eagle and quail. 

14:- Write the name of  three minerals that is found in Prairies. 
Ans:- lignite coal, natural gas and petroleum. 

15:- What is windmill? How does it help us. 
Ans:- A windmill is a machine that harnesses the power of wind. It is used to grind grain and spices, pump water, generate electricity etc. 

16:- Why are the prairies called the wheat basket of the world? 
Ans:- Prairies is the called wheat basket of the ball because of their high production of wheat.

17:- What are the six main crops that grow in prairies? 
Ans:- Wheat, Maize, Oats, Barley, Corn and Rye. 

18:- What are the main occupation of the people live in the prairies? 
Ans:- Agricultural and dairy farming are the main occupations of the people living in the prairies. 

19:- Write a few sentences about dairy farming in the prairies. 
Ans:- Animals are mainly reared in western part of the Prairies. Cattle and sheep are reared on big open commercial grasslands called ranches for milk, meat meat milk products. Dairy farms are usually set up near the cities. The cattle are milked here with the help of machines. 


Greenland, ch-5, class-5,

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1:- Which is the largest island of the world located in frigid zone? 
Ans:- Greenland

2:- What is the other name of Greenland? 
Ans:- Denmark

3:- Between which oceans does Greenland lie? 
Ans:- Greenland lies between the arctic ocean and the north Atlantic Ocean. 

4:- When did Greenland became an autonomous danish dependent territory with limited self government? 
Ans:- 1779

5:- Who discovered Greenland? 
Ans:- Eric the red

6:- Who is the original inhabitants of Greenland?
Ans:- The original inhabitants are Inuits or Eskimos. 

7:- Write short notes on physical features of greenland.
Ans:- Greenland covers an area of 21.5 Lakh square km. Its northern most tip is about 650km away from the north pole. The northernmost tip Greenland is also known as tundra region. About 80% of Greenland is permanently covered with ice. The average thickness of ice in Greenland is 1500m. 

8:- What are iceberg? 
Ans:- Huge chunks of ice break that slide down into the sea. These broken pieces are called icebergs. 

9:- In which part of the Greenland does the midnight sun arrive first? 
Ans:- The midnight sun arrives first in Greenland's northernmost towns like Upernavik, Qaanaaq and Uummannaq. 

10:- Write what you know about Aurora Borealis or Northern lights. 
Ans:- Aurora Borealis or Northern lights is part of the visual,  physical characteristics of Greenland. Aurora Borealis or Northern lights are electrically charged particles from the sun, which hit the Earth's atmosphere and create a natural phenomenon of light with altering colours that flash across the night sky. This multicoloured light show from September to April. It appears in pink, green, yellow, blue and violet. 

11:- What kind of vegetation grow their? 
Ans:- The plants growing here are lichens, bushes, grasses and mosses. Lichens and mosses serve as the food for animals. There are no forests in the region. 

12:- Write nine name of animals that live in Greenland. 
Ans:- Polar bear, Arctic fox, musk ox, seal, walrus, caribou, reindeer, husky and sea lion. 

13:- Which animal is used to pull the sledge and to hunt animals? 
Ans:- Husky

14:- Write the name of nine minerals that is found in Greenland. 
Ans:- Lead, zinc, coal, iron ore, gold, platinum, uranium, copper and diamond. 

15:- Write short notes on economic of Greenland. 
Ans:- The economic of Greenland is partly dependent on the income derived from mineral exploration and extraction. Minerals like lead and zinc are exported to other countries. Most of the country's income comes from the fishing industry and fish exports. Both frozen tinned fish and dried and smoked fish are exported. Although on a smaller scale, agriculture and sheep rearing are practised in southern Greenland. 

16:- Write about the life of the people who live in this island? 
Ans:- The life of the people lead a very hard life. They are generally very hard working, cheerful and hospitable. They hunt seals, whales, walruses and fish and gather roots during the spring and summer seasons. They hunt these animals for their meat, skin and fat. Harpoons are widely used by them to hunt big fish and whales. The Inuits wear heavy and furry clothes made from the skin of whale, walrus, seal or reindeer. 

17:- What is igloo? how is it made? 
Ans:- The houses made by the Inuits are called igloos. Igloos can be made of ice, stone, animal skin or wood. 

18:- What is you pigs? 
Ans:- Skin tents are made by Eskimos in the summer season. These are called tou pigs.

19:- Write short notes on the transport system of Greenland. 
Ans:- A small boat called kayak is used by the Inuits to hunt sea animals. A big boat called umiak is used by them to hunt whales. Many modern-day Inuits use motorboats for fishing. Sledges are the main transport on land. They are dragged by the reindeer or huskies. Roads have been built in the coastal areas. People use modern means of transport for travelling on these roads. People of Greenland also use air transport system to connected with cities of Europe. 

20:- Where is the  capital of Greenland?
Ans:- The capital of Greenland is Nuuk. It is also called Godthab. 

21:- What is the total population of Nuuk and Greenland? 
Ans:- The total population of Nuuk is about 18,000. The total population of Greenland is about 57,000.

22:- What are Skidoos? 
Ans:- The motorised sledges are called skidoos. 

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, ch-4, class-5,

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1:- What is equatorial region? 
Ans:- The region between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer is known as the equatorial region. The equatorial region has a hot and wet climate. 

2:- Write three continents that falls under the equatorial region. 
Ans:- South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. 

3:- In which continent the democratic republic of Congo situated? 
Ans:- Africa

4:- What is the short name of Democratic Republic of Congo? 
Ans:- DRC

5:- Write short notes about the location and the land of Congo. 
Ans:- DRC is the third largest country of Africa after Sudan and Algeria. The total area of this country is about 23.5 Lang square kilometres. Congo, is the second longest river of America, flows through this country. 

6:- Write short notes on political background of DRC. 
Ans:- DRC was ruled by a European country, Belgium, till 1960. Therefore, the country was called Belgian Congo till 1971. It's name was changed to Zaire in 1971. The country got its present name Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1997.

7:- Where is the capital of DRC? 
Ans:- Kinshasa 

8:- Write short notes about the climate of Congo. 
Ans:- DRC is near the equator, its climate is very hot and wet. Due to very high temperature in the day, the level of humidity is also very high. Therefore, clouds build up by the afternoon. These clouds cause heavy rainfall for a short  period of everyday. The evenings are cool and pleasant. The summers are hot and wet while the winters are cold and dry in this region. 

9:- Write short notes about vegetation of Congo. 
Ans:- Due to hot and humid climate, the region is covered with dense evergreen tropical rainforest. Since these are evergreen forest, they remain green throughout the year. Evergreen rainforest of DRC are the second largest rainforest of the world. There are vast grasslands also in DRC a part from the dense forests. They are found in the southern part of the Congo river basin and are known as Savanna. The climate in these grasslands is not hot and wet but cool and dry. Short trees are found in these grasslands. 

10:- Who is the world's largest forest? 
Ans:- Amazon rainforest

11:- Who is  also called the natural zoo of world? 

12:- Write short notes on wildlife of Congo. 
Ans:- The dense forests of DRC are home to a large variety of species. Gorillas, monkeys, baboons and chimpanzees can be seen jumping and making noises on the forest trees. Many kinds of snakes, insects and butterflies also live in the forests of DRC. Hippos and rhinos are the inhabitants of marshy lands. The lakes and rivers are full of fish, crocodiles and alligators. The grasslands of savanna are home to elephants, antelopes, bisons, giraffes, buffaloes and lions. 

13:- Where is the world's largest reserves of cobalt. 
Ans:- Congo

14:- Write some minerals that found in Congo. 
Ans:- Copper, gold, silver, diamonds, cobalt, petroleum, zinc, tin, manganese, uranium, radium, coal, iron and bauxite.

15:- What is the main occupation of people of Congo? 
Ans:- Farming and Agricultural 

16:- Write three main crops of Congo. 
Ans:- Rice, Maize and Cassava. 

17:- Which is the staple food of Congo? 
Ans:- Cassava

18:- Write six cash crop that grow in Congo. 
Ans:- Coffee, tobacco, rubber, cocoa, cotton and oil palm.

19:- How much percent of people live in city in Congo? 
Ans:- 30%

20:- Who is the original inhabitants of DRC? 
Ans:- Pygmies

21:- Write short notes on pygmies. 
Ans:- The pygmies are very shirt-statured. They have an average height of less than 150cm (less than 5 feet). They lead a primitive life of hunting and gathering food. They wear very few clothes. They make huts to live in. 

22:- Who live in major population in Congo? 
Ans:- Bantu negroes

23:- Write two name of industrial cities of Congo. 
Ans:- Kinshasa and Kisangani 

24:- Write three industries that are found in Congo. 
Ans:- Textile industry 
          Agricultural products industry
          Shoes industry

25:- Write five big city of Congo. 
Ans:- Kinshasa, Kinanga, Matadi, Kisangani and Lubumbashi 

26:- Write a name of a port city of Congo. 
Ans:- Matadi 

27:- Name the four major lakes of DRC. 
Ans :- Tanganyika, Edward, Albert and Kivu 

28:- Name any four animals found in Savanna of DRC. 
Ans:-  Gorilla, Rhino,  Monkey and Baboons. 


Weather and Climate, ch-3, class-5,

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1:- What is Weather?
Ans:- The sudden change in environment for short period of time is called weather.

2:- What is Climate? 
Ans:- Climate is the average weather conditions in a given area over a long period of time. 

3:- Write six factors that affect the climates. 
Ans:- The six factors that affect the climate are:- 
Latitude, Altitude, Winds, Distance from the sea, humidity and rainfall. 

4:- How does latitude affect the climate? 
Ans:- The Sun rays fall directly on equator so the climate is the hottest on equator. When we move towards the poles. The climate become less hot due to the slanting sun rays. 

5:- How does wind affect the climate? 
Ans:- Wind also affects the climate. The hot wind makes the climate hot while the cold wind makes the climate cold. The monsoon winds bring rain and clouds with them. 

6:- What is sea breeze? 
Ans:- The wind blowing from the sea to the land is called sea breeze. The sea breeze always occurs during the day. 

7:- What is land breeze? 
Ans:- Ans:- The wind blowing from the land to the sea is called land breeze. The land breeze always occurs during the night. 

8:- What is monsoon? 
Ans:- The seasnol winds that carry rain and clouds with them is called monsoon.

9:-How does south-west monsoon help us?
Ans:- The south-west monsoon winds cause rain fall between june and september.

10:- How does North-East monsoon help us?
Ans:- The North-East monsoon winds cause rain fall in December and January.

11:- How does distance from the sea affect the climate?
Ans:- Distance from the sea also affect the climate of a place. Places close to the sea have a moderate climate.But places that are far away from the sea have very hot climate in summer and very cold climate in winter.

12:- What is moderate climate?
Ans:- The climate that is not very hot in summer and not very cold in winter , such a climate is called moderate climate.

13:- How does altitude affect the climate?
Ans:- The height of a place from the sea level is called a altitude. The temperature in higher altitude is much lower than the plains. When the height from the sea level increases than the temperature decreases, and when the height from the sea level decreases than the temperature increases.

14:- How does humidity and rainfall affect the climate?
Ans:- Humidity also affects the climate. The moisture present in the air makes the air humid. The humid air causes frequent rainfall.

15:- How many types of climatic zone or heat zone? name them.
Ans:- There are three types of climatic zone or heat zone
          1-Torid Zone
          2-Temperate Zone
          3-frigid Zone

16:- What is torid zone? Why does it always remain hot?
Ans:- The Torid Zone is the Zone that spread between the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere.The climate here remains hot and humid throughout the year since the sun rays fall vertically on this area.

17:- Where does the Temperate Zone lie? What is the climate of this zone like ?
Ans:- The area between the torrid zone and frigid zone in both the hemispheres is called Temperate zone. The climate of this zone is not very hot in the summers and not very cold in the winters. because this region receives slanting rays of the sun and has mild summers and cool winters.

18:- Where is the Frigid Zone? Why does it always remain cold
Ans:- The area between the Arctic circle and the north pole in the Northern Hemisphere and between the Antarctic circle and South pole in the southern Hemisphere comes under the frigid zone. This area is always very cold since the sunrays are weak and slanting in the zone. 

Latitudes and Longitudes, Chapter-2, class-5, S.St.

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1:- What is the exact shape of the earth?
Ans:- Our earth is round in shape. It is little flat at the top and bottom and bulges from the center. Hence it looks like an orange.

2:- What are poles?
Ans:- The two opposite points on the earth's surface through which its axis passes are called poles.

3:- How many kinds of poles on earth? Name them.
Ans:- There are two kinds of poles on earth
          1-North pole
          2-South pole
4:- What is north pole?
Ans:- The point in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. This point is called north pole. It is also known as North geographical pole.

5:- What is south pole?
Ans:- The point in the Southern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. This point is called south pole.  It is also known as South geographical pole.

6:-  How many types of imaginary lines drawn on earth?
Ans:- There are two types of imaginary lines on Earth.

7:- What are latitudes?
Ans:- The circular lines running from east to west on a globe are called latitudes . Latitudes are also called parallels.

8:- What is equator?
Ans:- The line of latitude which runs across the middle of the globe, dividing the globe into two equal halvs is called an equator.

9:- Who is the longest parallel on the globe?
Ans:- equator

10:- What is Northern hemisphere?
Ans:- The part of the earth that is located north of the equator is called Northern Hemisphere.

11:- What is Southern Hemisphere?
Ans:- The part of the earth that is located South of the equator is called Southern Hemisphere.

12:-Write some characteristics about parallels.
Ans:- The some characteristics about parallels are
          1- All the parallels are drawn at the equal distance from each other.
          2-No latitude or parallel cuts each other
          3-The length of latitudes decreases as they move away from the equator .
          4-Almost all the parallels are complete circles.
          5-The North pole and South pole are just point.
          6-No parallel meets the other.
          7-Latitudes are measured with the unit degree
          8-We mark the equator as zero degree latitude.
          9-We write 90 degree N for North pole and 90 degree S for south pole.
          10- Parallels are drawn at the interval of 1 degree.
          11-There are 90 parallels in the northern hemisphere and 90 parallels in southern hemisphere
          12:- There are 181 parallels in all including the equator.

13:- What is tropic of cancer? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 23.5°N is called tropic cancer. 

14:- What is tropic of Capricorn? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 23.5°S is called tropic of Capricorn. 

15:- What is Arctic circle? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 66.5°N is called Arctic circle. 

16:- What is Antarctic circle? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 66.5°S is called Antarctic circle. 

17:- What are longitudes or meridians?
Ans:- The semi-circular lines that running from north pole to south pole on the globe are known as longitudes or meridians.

18:- Write some characteristics of longitudes or meridians.
Ans:- 1-All longitudes have the same length.
          2-The longitudes cut the latitudes  at right angle.
          3- The distance between two longitudes or meridians is maximum at the equator.
          4-The distance between successive longitudes decreases as they move towards the pole.
          5-Meridians help to measure the distance in the east-west direction.

19:- What is prime meridian?
Ans:- The longitude that passed through Greenwich near London and is marked as 0° longitude is called prime meridian. The prime meridian is also known as Greenwich meridian. 

20:- What is eastern hemisphere? 
Ans:- The part of the earth that lies east of the prime meridian is known as eastern hemisphere. 

21:- What is the Western hemisphere? 
Ans:- The part of the earth that lies west of the prime meridian is known as western hemisphere. 

22:- How many meridians present on a globe? Explain it. 
Ans:- There are 180 meridians towards east and 180 meridians towards the west. So there are 360 Meridian on the globe. 

23:- Write short notes about International date line. 
Ans:- The 180° meridian is called the International date line. It passes through the middle of the plastic ocean. All the passes located west of the  International date line one calendar day ahead of all the places located east of the International date line. 

24:- What is greed? 
Ans:- Latitudes and longitudes intersect each other and from a network. This network is called a grid. The grid help us to locate different places on the globe. 

25:- Why does Sun always rise in east? 
Ans:- The sun always rises in east because earth rotate the west towards the east. 

26:- In which countries the Sun rises First? 
Ans:- All the countries that located. East of the prime meridian face the the sun first. 
   For example - The easternmost country, faces the sun first. 
    USA is located in the western.                      Hemisphere, faces the sun in end. 

27:- What is the meaning of Greenwich mean time and what is its use? 
And:- The time of the meridian of Greenwich is observed as the mean time, so the name Greenwich mean time or GMT is given. GMT is used as the basis of standard time throughout the world. Based on it, the local time of any country can be calculated. 

28:- What do you  know about Indian standard time?
Ans:- Meridian that passes through its centre, and the time at that meridian is considered as the standard time of that country. In India, 88.5°E, the meridian of Allahabad, is taken for calculating the standard time and is known as the Indian standard time or IST. The IST is 5.5 hours ahead of the GMT.