The Democratic Republic of the Congo, ch-4, class-5,

1:- What is equatorial region? 
Ans:- The region between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer is known as the equatorial region. The equatorial region has a hot and wet climate. 

2:- Write three continents that falls under the equatorial region. 
Ans:- South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. 

3:- In which continent the democratic republic of Congo situated? 
Ans:- Africa

4:- What is the short name of Democratic Republic of Congo? 
Ans:- DRC

5:- Write short notes about the location and the land of Congo. 
Ans:- DRC is the third largest country of Africa after Sudan and Algeria. The total area of this country is about 23.5 Lang square kilometres. Congo, is the second longest river of America, flows through this country. 

6:- Write short notes on political background of DRC. 
Ans:- DRC was ruled by a European country, Belgium, till 1960. Therefore, the country was called Belgian Congo till 1971. It's name was changed to Zaire in 1971. The country got its present name Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1997.

7:- Where is the capital of DRC? 
Ans:- Kinshasa 

8:- Write short notes about the climate of Congo. 
Ans:- DRC is near the equator, its climate is very hot and wet. Due to very high temperature in the day, the level of humidity is also very high. Therefore, clouds build up by the afternoon. These clouds cause heavy rainfall for a short  period of everyday. The evenings are cool and pleasant. The summers are hot and wet while the winters are cold and dry in this region. 

9:- Write short notes about vegetation of Congo. 
Ans:- Due to hot and humid climate, the region is covered with dense evergreen tropical rainforest. Since these are evergreen forest, they remain green throughout the year. Evergreen rainforest of DRC are the second largest rainforest of the world. There are vast grasslands also in DRC a part from the dense forests. They are found in the southern part of the Congo river basin and are known as Savanna. The climate in these grasslands is not hot and wet but cool and dry. Short trees are found in these grasslands. 

10:- Who is the world's largest forest? 
Ans:- Amazon rainforest

11:- Who is  also called the natural zoo of world? 

12:- Write short notes on wildlife of Congo. 
Ans:- The dense forests of DRC are home to a large variety of species. Gorillas, monkeys, baboons and chimpanzees can be seen jumping and making noises on the forest trees. Many kinds of snakes, insects and butterflies also live in the forests of DRC. Hippos and rhinos are the inhabitants of marshy lands. The lakes and rivers are full of fish, crocodiles and alligators. The grasslands of savanna are home to elephants, antelopes, bisons, giraffes, buffaloes and lions. 

13:- Where is the world's largest reserves of cobalt. 
Ans:- Congo

14:- Write some minerals that found in Congo. 
Ans:- Copper, gold, silver, diamonds, cobalt, petroleum, zinc, tin, manganese, uranium, radium, coal, iron and bauxite.

15:- What is the main occupation of people of Congo? 
Ans:- Farming and Agricultural 

16:- Write three main crops of Congo. 
Ans:- Rice, Maize and Cassava. 

17:- Which is the staple food of Congo? 
Ans:- Cassava

18:- Write six cash crop that grow in Congo. 
Ans:- Coffee, tobacco, rubber, cocoa, cotton and oil palm.

19:- How much percent of people live in city in Congo? 
Ans:- 30%

20:- Who is the original inhabitants of DRC? 
Ans:- Pygmies

21:- Write short notes on pygmies. 
Ans:- The pygmies are very shirt-statured. They have an average height of less than 150cm (less than 5 feet). They lead a primitive life of hunting and gathering food. They wear very few clothes. They make huts to live in. 

22:- Who live in major population in Congo? 
Ans:- Bantu negroes

23:- Write two name of industrial cities of Congo. 
Ans:- Kinshasa and Kisangani 

24:- Write three industries that are found in Congo. 
Ans:- Textile industry 
          Agricultural products industry
          Shoes industry

25:- Write five big city of Congo. 
Ans:- Kinshasa, Kinanga, Matadi, Kisangani and Lubumbashi 

26:- Write a name of a port city of Congo. 
Ans:- Matadi 

27:- Name the four major lakes of DRC. 
Ans :- Tanganyika, Edward, Albert and Kivu 

28:- Name any four animals found in Savanna of DRC. 
Ans:-  Gorilla, Rhino,  Monkey and Baboons. 

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