Our neighbours, chapter-7, class-2, S.St.

1:- What is neighbourhood?
Ans:- The area around our house  forms our neighbourhood.

2:- What are neighbours?
Ans:- The people who live in our neighbourhood  are our neighbours.

3:- Where do you live?
Ans:- We live in our neighbourhood.

4:- Who live in a neighbourhood?
Ans:- Neighbours live in a neighbourhood.

5:- What things do neighbours do together?
Ans:- Neighbours play, study and celebrate different festivals together. They also helps each other.

6:- List a few qualities of good neighbours.
Ans:- Good neighbours help each other in difficult time.
          Good neighbours celebrate festivals together.
           Good neighbours keep their neighbourhood clean.

7:-Tick the correct answer.

1.People living in our neighbourhood are our
                a-  friends                                b- neighbours                                   c-  relatives
2.The area around our house forms our
                a-  park                                     b-  city                                             c-  neighbourhood
3. People living in our neighbourhood come from various 
                a-  religions                                b-  places                                       c-  both of these

8:-  Fill in the blanks using the given clues


                1-Neighbours celebrate __________ together.
                2- We should keep our neighbourhood __________ .
                3-Good neighbours__________one another .
                4-Children should__________ their elders .
                5-Neighbours go for__________together.


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