Water, ch-7, class- 3, s.st

1:- Why do we need water?
Ans:- We need water to drink, cook, wash and bath. 

2:- How much earth surface is covered with water?
Ans:- Two-third

3:- Write four uses of water.
Ans:- The four uses of water are.
1- Animals use water to drink
2- Plants use water to make food 
3- Water also help in transportation
4- Water is used to generate electricity 

4:- What are the different forms in which water is found?
Ans:- Water is found in three different forms.
1- solid
2- liquid
3- gas

5:- Which is solid form of water?
Ans:- Ice

6:- Which is the gaseous form of water?
Ans:- Water vapour 

7:- Why do plants and animals need water?
Ans:- Plants need water to make food and animals need water to drink. 

8:- Who is the main source of water?
Ans:- Rain

9:- What is water cycle? Explain how it happens.
Ans:- During the day time water lying on the ground gets heated by the sun and convert into vapour. This vapour rises up in the air and cools down and form cloud. When the  clouds become too heavier, they again changes into water droplets and fall on the earth as rain. This entire process is called water cycle.

10:- How can we purify water at home?
Ans:- We can purify water at home by boiling, filtering or by adding chlorine tablets.

11:- What is rain water harvesting?
Ans:- The collection and storage of rain water that runs on natural or man made things is called rain water harvesting.

16:-Tick the correct answer.

1. Most of the earth's surface is covered with
                a-  Air                                       b- Water                                           c-  clouds
2.Water can be purified by
                a-  boiling                                 b-  freezing                                      c-  non of these
3. In cities, water is supplied to homes through.
                a-  drains                                    b- pipelines                                     c-  tanks
4.The most important source of water is
                a- oceans                                    b-  rain                                             c-seas
5.Underground water is brought to the surface by
                a- tube wells                               b- hand pumps                                 c- both of these 
17 :-  Fill in the blanks using the given clues

1-We should never waste __________.
2-Farmers use water to grow __________.
3-In nature, water is constantly changing its __________.
4-Most of the water on the earth is found in__________ and ___________.
5-Water is used to produce __________.
6-Shortage of water can lead to __________.

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