
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, ch-4, class-5,

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1:- What is equatorial region? 
Ans:- The region between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer is known as the equatorial region. The equatorial region has a hot and wet climate. 

2:- Write three continents that falls under the equatorial region. 
Ans:- South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. 

3:- In which continent the democratic republic of Congo situated? 
Ans:- Africa

4:- What is the short name of Democratic Republic of Congo? 
Ans:- DRC

5:- Write short notes about the location and the land of Congo. 
Ans:- DRC is the third largest country of Africa after Sudan and Algeria. The total area of this country is about 23.5 Lang square kilometres. Congo, is the second longest river of America, flows through this country. 

6:- Write short notes on political background of DRC. 
Ans:- DRC was ruled by a European country, Belgium, till 1960. Therefore, the country was called Belgian Congo till 1971. It's name was changed to Zaire in 1971. The country got its present name Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1997.

7:- Where is the capital of DRC? 
Ans:- Kinshasa 

8:- Write short notes about the climate of Congo. 
Ans:- DRC is near the equator, its climate is very hot and wet. Due to very high temperature in the day, the level of humidity is also very high. Therefore, clouds build up by the afternoon. These clouds cause heavy rainfall for a short  period of everyday. The evenings are cool and pleasant. The summers are hot and wet while the winters are cold and dry in this region. 

9:- Write short notes about vegetation of Congo. 
Ans:- Due to hot and humid climate, the region is covered with dense evergreen tropical rainforest. Since these are evergreen forest, they remain green throughout the year. Evergreen rainforest of DRC are the second largest rainforest of the world. There are vast grasslands also in DRC a part from the dense forests. They are found in the southern part of the Congo river basin and are known as Savanna. The climate in these grasslands is not hot and wet but cool and dry. Short trees are found in these grasslands. 

10:- Who is the world's largest forest? 
Ans:- Amazon rainforest

11:- Who is  also called the natural zoo of world? 

12:- Write short notes on wildlife of Congo. 
Ans:- The dense forests of DRC are home to a large variety of species. Gorillas, monkeys, baboons and chimpanzees can be seen jumping and making noises on the forest trees. Many kinds of snakes, insects and butterflies also live in the forests of DRC. Hippos and rhinos are the inhabitants of marshy lands. The lakes and rivers are full of fish, crocodiles and alligators. The grasslands of savanna are home to elephants, antelopes, bisons, giraffes, buffaloes and lions. 

13:- Where is the world's largest reserves of cobalt. 
Ans:- Congo

14:- Write some minerals that found in Congo. 
Ans:- Copper, gold, silver, diamonds, cobalt, petroleum, zinc, tin, manganese, uranium, radium, coal, iron and bauxite.

15:- What is the main occupation of people of Congo? 
Ans:- Farming and Agricultural 

16:- Write three main crops of Congo. 
Ans:- Rice, Maize and Cassava. 

17:- Which is the staple food of Congo? 
Ans:- Cassava

18:- Write six cash crop that grow in Congo. 
Ans:- Coffee, tobacco, rubber, cocoa, cotton and oil palm.

19:- How much percent of people live in city in Congo? 
Ans:- 30%

20:- Who is the original inhabitants of DRC? 
Ans:- Pygmies

21:- Write short notes on pygmies. 
Ans:- The pygmies are very shirt-statured. They have an average height of less than 150cm (less than 5 feet). They lead a primitive life of hunting and gathering food. They wear very few clothes. They make huts to live in. 

22:- Who live in major population in Congo? 
Ans:- Bantu negroes

23:- Write two name of industrial cities of Congo. 
Ans:- Kinshasa and Kisangani 

24:- Write three industries that are found in Congo. 
Ans:- Textile industry 
          Agricultural products industry
          Shoes industry

25:- Write five big city of Congo. 
Ans:- Kinshasa, Kinanga, Matadi, Kisangani and Lubumbashi 

26:- Write a name of a port city of Congo. 
Ans:- Matadi 

27:- Name the four major lakes of DRC. 
Ans :- Tanganyika, Edward, Albert and Kivu 

28:- Name any four animals found in Savanna of DRC. 
Ans:-  Gorilla, Rhino,  Monkey and Baboons. 


Weather and Climate, ch-3, class-5,

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1:- What is Weather?
Ans:- The sudden change in environment for short period of time is called weather.

2:- What is Climate? 
Ans:- Climate is the average weather conditions in a given area over a long period of time. 

3:- Write six factors that affect the climates. 
Ans:- The six factors that affect the climate are:- 
Latitude, Altitude, Winds, Distance from the sea, humidity and rainfall. 

4:- How does latitude affect the climate? 
Ans:- The Sun rays fall directly on equator so the climate is the hottest on equator. When we move towards the poles. The climate become less hot due to the slanting sun rays. 

5:- How does wind affect the climate? 
Ans:- Wind also affects the climate. The hot wind makes the climate hot while the cold wind makes the climate cold. The monsoon winds bring rain and clouds with them. 

6:- What is sea breeze? 
Ans:- The wind blowing from the sea to the land is called sea breeze. The sea breeze always occurs during the day. 

7:- What is land breeze? 
Ans:- Ans:- The wind blowing from the land to the sea is called land breeze. The land breeze always occurs during the night. 

8:- What is monsoon? 
Ans:- The seasnol winds that carry rain and clouds with them is called monsoon.

9:-How does south-west monsoon help us?
Ans:- The south-west monsoon winds cause rain fall between june and september.

10:- How does North-East monsoon help us?
Ans:- The North-East monsoon winds cause rain fall in December and January.

11:- How does distance from the sea affect the climate?
Ans:- Distance from the sea also affect the climate of a place. Places close to the sea have a moderate climate.But places that are far away from the sea have very hot climate in summer and very cold climate in winter.

12:- What is moderate climate?
Ans:- The climate that is not very hot in summer and not very cold in winter , such a climate is called moderate climate.

13:- How does altitude affect the climate?
Ans:- The height of a place from the sea level is called a altitude. The temperature in higher altitude is much lower than the plains. When the height from the sea level increases than the temperature decreases, and when the height from the sea level decreases than the temperature increases.

14:- How does humidity and rainfall affect the climate?
Ans:- Humidity also affects the climate. The moisture present in the air makes the air humid. The humid air causes frequent rainfall.

15:- How many types of climatic zone or heat zone? name them.
Ans:- There are three types of climatic zone or heat zone
          1-Torid Zone
          2-Temperate Zone
          3-frigid Zone

16:- What is torid zone? Why does it always remain hot?
Ans:- The Torid Zone is the Zone that spread between the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere.The climate here remains hot and humid throughout the year since the sun rays fall vertically on this area.

17:- Where does the Temperate Zone lie? What is the climate of this zone like ?
Ans:- The area between the torrid zone and frigid zone in both the hemispheres is called Temperate zone. The climate of this zone is not very hot in the summers and not very cold in the winters. because this region receives slanting rays of the sun and has mild summers and cool winters.

18:- Where is the Frigid Zone? Why does it always remain cold
Ans:- The area between the Arctic circle and the north pole in the Northern Hemisphere and between the Antarctic circle and South pole in the southern Hemisphere comes under the frigid zone. This area is always very cold since the sunrays are weak and slanting in the zone. 

Latitudes and Longitudes, Chapter-2, class-5, S.St.

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1:- What is the exact shape of the earth?
Ans:- Our earth is round in shape. It is little flat at the top and bottom and bulges from the center. Hence it looks like an orange.

2:- What are poles?
Ans:- The two opposite points on the earth's surface through which its axis passes are called poles.

3:- How many kinds of poles on earth? Name them.
Ans:- There are two kinds of poles on earth
          1-North pole
          2-South pole
4:- What is north pole?
Ans:- The point in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. This point is called north pole. It is also known as North geographical pole.

5:- What is south pole?
Ans:- The point in the Southern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. This point is called south pole.  It is also known as South geographical pole.

6:-  How many types of imaginary lines drawn on earth?
Ans:- There are two types of imaginary lines on Earth.

7:- What are latitudes?
Ans:- The circular lines running from east to west on a globe are called latitudes . Latitudes are also called parallels.

8:- What is equator?
Ans:- The line of latitude which runs across the middle of the globe, dividing the globe into two equal halvs is called an equator.

9:- Who is the longest parallel on the globe?
Ans:- equator

10:- What is Northern hemisphere?
Ans:- The part of the earth that is located north of the equator is called Northern Hemisphere.

11:- What is Southern Hemisphere?
Ans:- The part of the earth that is located South of the equator is called Southern Hemisphere.

12:-Write some characteristics about parallels.
Ans:- The some characteristics about parallels are
          1- All the parallels are drawn at the equal distance from each other.
          2-No latitude or parallel cuts each other
          3-The length of latitudes decreases as they move away from the equator .
          4-Almost all the parallels are complete circles.
          5-The North pole and South pole are just point.
          6-No parallel meets the other.
          7-Latitudes are measured with the unit degree
          8-We mark the equator as zero degree latitude.
          9-We write 90 degree N for North pole and 90 degree S for south pole.
          10- Parallels are drawn at the interval of 1 degree.
          11-There are 90 parallels in the northern hemisphere and 90 parallels in southern hemisphere
          12:- There are 181 parallels in all including the equator.

13:- What is tropic of cancer? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 23.5°N is called tropic cancer. 

14:- What is tropic of Capricorn? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 23.5°S is called tropic of Capricorn. 

15:- What is Arctic circle? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 66.5°N is called Arctic circle. 

16:- What is Antarctic circle? 
Ans:- The parallel that lies on 66.5°S is called Antarctic circle. 

17:- What are longitudes or meridians?
Ans:- The semi-circular lines that running from north pole to south pole on the globe are known as longitudes or meridians.

18:- Write some characteristics of longitudes or meridians.
Ans:- 1-All longitudes have the same length.
          2-The longitudes cut the latitudes  at right angle.
          3- The distance between two longitudes or meridians is maximum at the equator.
          4-The distance between successive longitudes decreases as they move towards the pole.
          5-Meridians help to measure the distance in the east-west direction.

19:- What is prime meridian?
Ans:- The longitude that passed through Greenwich near London and is marked as 0° longitude is called prime meridian. The prime meridian is also known as Greenwich meridian. 

20:- What is eastern hemisphere? 
Ans:- The part of the earth that lies east of the prime meridian is known as eastern hemisphere. 

21:- What is the Western hemisphere? 
Ans:- The part of the earth that lies west of the prime meridian is known as western hemisphere. 

22:- How many meridians present on a globe? Explain it. 
Ans:- There are 180 meridians towards east and 180 meridians towards the west. So there are 360 Meridian on the globe. 

23:- Write short notes about International date line. 
Ans:- The 180° meridian is called the International date line. It passes through the middle of the plastic ocean. All the passes located west of the  International date line one calendar day ahead of all the places located east of the International date line. 

24:- What is greed? 
Ans:- Latitudes and longitudes intersect each other and from a network. This network is called a grid. The grid help us to locate different places on the globe. 

25:- Why does Sun always rise in east? 
Ans:- The sun always rises in east because earth rotate the west towards the east. 

26:- In which countries the Sun rises First? 
Ans:- All the countries that located. East of the prime meridian face the the sun first. 
   For example - The easternmost country, faces the sun first. 
    USA is located in the western.                      Hemisphere, faces the sun in end. 

27:- What is the meaning of Greenwich mean time and what is its use? 
And:- The time of the meridian of Greenwich is observed as the mean time, so the name Greenwich mean time or GMT is given. GMT is used as the basis of standard time throughout the world. Based on it, the local time of any country can be calculated. 

28:- What do you  know about Indian standard time?
Ans:- Meridian that passes through its centre, and the time at that meridian is considered as the standard time of that country. In India, 88.5°E, the meridian of Allahabad, is taken for calculating the standard time and is known as the Indian standard time or IST. The IST is 5.5 hours ahead of the GMT. 


The southern plateaus, chapter-5,class-4,

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1:- Write short notes on southern plateaus.
Ans:- The southern platue are in the shape of an inverted triangle. They extend for1600 km from north tosouth and 1400 km from east to west. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Telangana, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and large part of Madhya pradesh comes under this area.

2:- How many hills found in Southern plateaus? Name them.

Ans:- There are hills found in southern plateaus.
          1-Arvalli hills
          2-Rajmahal Hills
          3-Nilgiri Hills
          4-Cardamom Hills
          6-Anamali Hills
          7-Vindhya Range
          8-Satpura Range

3:- How many Ghats southern plateaus have? Name them.
Ans:- Southern plateaus have two ghats. Eastern Ghats in their east and Western Ghats in their West.

4:- Write the name of four rivers that flow eastwards and join Bay of Bengal.
Ans:- Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri and Mahanadi

5:- Write the name of two rivers that flow westwards and join Arabian sea.
Ans:- Narmada and Tapi

6:- Which is the highest water fall in india. And where it is?
Ans:- Jog Falls in Karnataka

7:- Who divides the southern plateaus into two parts? Write the name of these parts.
Ans:- The river Narmada Divides the southern plateaus into two parts
          1-Central highlands in the North
          2-Deccan plateau in the south

8:- Write short notes on central highlands.
Ans:- The central highlands are made of two plateaus-Malwa plteau and chhota nagpur plaeau. The rivers that flows through central highlands are Chambal, Son and Betwa. The soil of these reason is black.
The Chhota Nagpur Plateau covers Jharkhand, northern Odisha and north-east part of Chhattisgarh. This reason is called the mineral belt of India. Minerals like bauxite, iron, manganese, coal and mica are found here in good quality. Jharia, Giridih, Raniganjand Bokaro are the main mining centers of these reason.

9:- Write short notes on Deccan plateau.
Ans:- The area to the south of river Narmada and the Satpura range is called deccan Plateau.
It is the largest plateau in India. Anai Mudi is the highest peak of this reason. Godavari is the longest river in the Deccan Plateau.

10:- Who is known as the heart of India?
Ans:- Madhya Pradesh

11:- Where is the capital of Madhya Pradesh?
Ans:- Bhopal

12:- Write four big city of Madhya Pradesh.
Ans:- Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore, Jabalpur

13:- Write five main crops of Madhya Pradesh.
Ans:- Cotton, sugarcane, wheat, millet and soyabean. 

14:- Write a hill station that is found in Madhya Pradesh.
Ans:- Pachmarhi

15:- Write two national park of Madhya Pradesh that are famous for the tigers.
Ans:- Kanya national park 
         Bandhavgarh national park 

16:- Write a great temple that attraction among tourist in Madhya Pradesh.
Ans:- Temple of khajuraho

17:- Write a diamond mine that is found in Madhya Pradesh.
Ans:- Panna diamond mine

18:- Write the main language of Madhya Pradesh.
Ans:- Hindi

19:- Write five minerals that is found in Chandigarh.
Ans:- Coal, Bauxite, Magenese, Lime stone and Iron. 

20:- Which city of chhatisgarh is famous for its steel plants.
Ans:- Bhilai

21:- Who is the capital of Chhatisgarh? 
Ans:- Raipur

22:- Write four important food items that is grown in Chhatisgarh.
Ans:- Rice, Linseed, Watermelon, and Betel

23:- Which river flows through the Jharkhand? 
Ans:- River Damodar 

24:- What is the capital of Jharkhand? 
Ans:- Ranchi

25:- Write the three important cities of Jharkhand.
Ans:- Bakora, Dhanbad and Jamshedpur

26:- Where is the India's largest steel plant? 
Ans:- Bokaro

27:- Where is the capital of Isiah's? 
Ans:- Bhubneshwar

28:- Who is main industry city of Isiah's? 
Ans:- Cuttack

29:- Which city of Isiah's is famous for its temple? 
Ans:- Puri

30:- Where is the Jagannath temple? 
Ans:- Jagannath temple is in pure in odisha.
31:- Which state is famous for its Rath Yatra? 
Ans:- Odisha

32:- Write two main industries of odisha textile industry. 
Ans:- Silver work

33:- Write two main crops of odisha. 
Ans:- Rice and jute

34:- Which is the famous dance form of odisha? 
Ans:- Odissi

35:- What is the main language of odisha? 
Ans:- Oriya

36:- What the capital of Maharashtra? 
Ans:- Mumbai

37:- Write four important cities of Maharashtra other than Mumbai. 
Ans:- Nasik, Pune, Sholapura and Nagpur. 

38:- Write four main crops Maharashtra. 
Ans:- Cotton, groundnut, millet and sugarcane. 

39:- Write three fruits that grown in Maharashtra at large scale. 
Ans:- Orange, Banana and Mango. 

40:- Write two main language of Maharashtra. 
Ans:- Marathi and Konkni 

41:- Write six main festival of Maharashtra. 
Ans:- Ganesh chaturthi, Diwali, Dussehra, Navratri, Janamashtmi and Gudipadwa. 

42:- Which is the famous dance form of Maharashtra? 
Ans:- Lavni

43:- Write two famous dance form of Maharashtra other than Lavni.
Ans:- Dance drama and Tamasha

44:- Which is the traditional dress of people of Maharashtra? 
Ans:- Men wear white pyjama and Kurta with a cap while women wear a nine meter long Saree. 

45:- Write two rivers that flow through Maharashtra? 
Ans:- Godavari and Krishna 

46:- Where is the capital of Karnatka? 
Ans:- Bangaluru

47:- Who is also known as centre of information technology industry 
Ans:- Bangaluru

48:- Write two cities of Karnatka other than Bangaluru. 
Ans:- Mysore and Mangalore

49:- Write six main crops of Karnatka. 
Ans:- Ragi, jowar, cotton, sugarcane, spices and coffee. 

50:- Why is Karnatka also known as silk valley of India? 
Ans:- Karnatka is also known as silk valley of India because three-fourth of the silk of India is grown here. 

51:- Which city is famous for its saddle wood industry? 
Ans:- Mysore 

52:- Write two trees that are found in forest of Karnatka mostly? 
Ans:- Teak and saddlewood

53:- What is the main language of Karnatka? 
Ans:- Kannada 

54:- What is the traditional dress of Karnatka? 
Ans:- Men wear lingo and shirt while women wear colourful silk Sarees. 

55:- Write three name of rivers that flow through Karnatka. 
Ans:- Krishna, Kaveri and Tungabhadra

56:- Where is the capital of Andhra Pradesh? 
Ans:- Hyderabad 

57:- Which state is major producer of tobacco? 
Ans:- Andhra Pradesh 

58:- Write four main crops of Andhra Pradesh. 
Ans:- Rice, jowar, groundnut and sugercane

59:- Which is the main language of Andhra pradesh? 
Ans:- Telugu

60:- Which is the famous dance form of Andhra Pradesh? 
Ans:- Kuchipudi

61:- Which type of jewellery of Hyderabad is very popular? 
Ans:- Pearl jewellery 

62:- Write three popular tourist attraction of Andhra Pradesh. 
Ans:- Charminar, A huge statue of lord Budha, Salarjung museum. 

63:- Write an important festival of Andhra Pradesh. 
Ans:- Dussehra 

64:- When was telangana formed as twenty ninth state of India. 
Ans:- 2June 2014

65:- Where is the capital of Telangana? 
Ans:- Hyderabad 

66:- Write three major city of telangana. 
Ans:- Warangal, Nizamabad, Karimnagar. 

67:- Write five important crops of telangana. 
Ans:- Rice, Maize, tobacco, cotton and sugarcane. 

68:- Write two main rivers of telangana. 
Ans:- Godavri and Krishna 

69:- Write three main industry of telangana. 
Ans:- Textile industry 
          Information technology 
          Automobile industry 

70:- Where is the capital of Tamil nadu? 
Ans:- Chennai 

71:- Write four famous temple town of Tamil nadu. 
Ans:- Madurai, Thanjavur, Kanchipuram and Tiruchirapalli. 

72:- Write three cities that is famous for silk Sarees. 
Ans:- Chennai, Madurai and Kanchipuram. 

73:- Write three main crops of Tamil nadu. 
Ans:- Rice, Groundnut and cotton. 

74:- Where is Nilgiri hills? 
Ans:- Tamil nadu

75:- Write two crops that grown on Nilgiri hills. 
Ans:- Tea and coffee 

76:- Which is the main language of Tamil nadu? 
Ans:- Tamil

77:- Write a main festival of Tamil nadu. 
Ans:- Pingal

78:- Which is the famous dance of Tamil nadu? 
Ans:- Bharat natyam


The western desert, ch-4, class-4,

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1- Write short notes on great Indian desert. 
Ans:- The great Indian desert is also known as western desert or great Indian desert. Aravalli range of hills lies to the south of western desert. Sutlej river basin lies in the north of the desert. The length of western desert is 800 km and width is 500 km. 

2- What is desert? 
Ans:- A desert is an extremely dry large flat area covered with loose sand and rocks. 

3- What are sand dunes?
Ans:- There are small hills of sand at some places in desert are called sand dunes. Sand dunes get shifted by the hot and dry winds that blow here. 

4- Write a name of season river that cross the Thar desert which falls into Arabian sea. 
Ans:- Link river

5- Write four plants name that grow in great Indian desert. 
Ans:- Date, Palm, Like and Babul

6- What is Oasis? 
Ans:- Oasis is an area in a desert which has water and green plants. 

7- Write a name of most common throat tree of the desert. 
Ans:- Khejary

8- Describe the climate in desert. 
Ans:- The climate in the desert is extreme. Days are very hot but nights are very cold. The annual rainfall in desert is very less. It is about 25 CM every year. 

9- Write a short notes on life in the western desert. 
Ans:- Water is always in short supply. The state government of Rajasthan is trying to provide water to the houses as well as to the fields. The Rajasthan canal or Indra Gandhi canal brings the sutlej water to the fields of Rajasthan. The canal is helping the farmers to grow different crops such as wheat, jower and bajra. People in desert mainly rear sheep, goats, cattle and camel. They provides milk, plough the fields and draws water from the wells. Most houses in the desert have a flat roof and small windows. Men wear white shorts, colourful Kurtas and turbans and Rajasthani women wear colourful ghanghara-cholis and odhnis.

10- What are banjaras? 
Ans:- Some desert people travel from one place to another in search of food for them selves and for their animals these people are called banjaras. 

11- How has the Rajasthan canal helped the people of Rajasthan?
Ans:- The Rajasthan canal brings the sutlej water to the fields of Rajasthan. This canal helps the farmers to grow different cops. 

12- Why is camel called ship of desert? 
Ans:- Camel is called ship of desert because camel runs very fast in desert.

13- How are deserts formed? What should we do to stop the expansion of deserts? 
Ans:- Places that receive very little rainfall become desert over a period of many years. Rampant deforestation and overgrazing also contribute to desertification. We must refrain from cutting trees to stop the expansion of desert. 

14- Name the main festival of Rajasthan.
Ans:- Gangour and Teej are the main festivals of Rajasthan.

15- Name the animals that are reared by the people in the desert. 
Ans:- Sheep, Goat, Cattle and Camels. 

16- Write four famous cities of Rajasthan.
Ans:- Jaipur, Jodhpurs, Jaisalmer and Unappreciated. 

17- Write two main tourist attractions of Rajasthan.
Ans:- Hawamahal, City palace. 

Social study / class-5

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1:- Write the name of aplanet of solar system where life exists.
Ans:- Earth

2:- What is the shape of earth?
Ans:- The shape of earth is sphere.

3:- Why can we not see the whole earth at a time?
Ans:- We cannot see whole earth at a time because the earth is spherical in shape.

4:- What is globe?
Ans:-A round shaped model that is used to study about the earth is called globe.

5:- How many oceans in the world? Name them.
Ans:- There are five oceans in the world.
          1-Pacific ocean
          2-Atlantic ocean
          3-Indian ocean
          4-Antarctic ocean
          5-Arctic ocean

6:- Which is the largest ocean of the world?
Ans:- Pacific ocean

7:- Which is the smallest ocean of the world?
Ans:- Arctic ocean

8:- Which is known as southern  ocean?
Ans:- Antarctic ocean

9:- How many Continents in the world? Name them.
Ans:- There are seven continents in the world.
          3-North America
          4-South America

10:- Which is the largest continent in the world?
Ans:- Asia

11:- Which is the smallest continent in the world?
Ans:- Australia

12:- Who is the seventh largest country of the world?
Ans:- India

13:- Who is the largest country of the world?
Ans:- Russia

14:- Who is the smallest continent of the world?
Ans:- Vatican city

15:- What is the importance of globe?
Ans:- Globe is used to see the correct location , size and shape of various continents, oceans and island.

16:- Write three limitations about the globe.
Ans:- The three limitations about the globe are
          1-We cannot see all the details of a place on a globe.
          2-We can see only a side of the earth on globe at atime.
          3-We cannot carry a globe everywhere easily.

17:- What is map?
Ans:- Map is a drawing of the whole or a part of the earth, drawn on a flat surface. It helps us to know details related to various parts of the earth.

18:- Who was the first man who publish a set of map in the form of a book?
Ans:- Gerardus Mercator

19:- What is atlas?
Ans:-An atlas is a book of collection of various maps of the earth or a specific region of the earth.

20:- Write three advantages of map.
Ans:-The three advantages of map are
         1-A map helps us to locate and understand any place.
          2-Maps can provide the location of our school, home, city, country or the world.
          3-A map is easy to carry anywhere.

21:- How many kinds of map? Name them.
Ans:- There are two kinds of map.
          1-Physical map
          2-Political map

22:-What are physical maps?
Ans:- Those maps that show the location of different landforms like rivers, oceans, deserts, plateaus are called physical map.

23:- What are political maps?
Ans:- Those maps that define the boundaries of countries, states and their capitals are called political maps.

24:- What is language of map?
Ans:- We read a map with the help of directions, scales, signs, symbols, and colours given in it. All these together are called the language of map.

25:- How can we know  direction on a map? 
Ans:- A map has the north direction at the top and south direction at the bottom.The east direction is on our right hand side and the west direction on our left hand side.There is an arrow on the top of the map with letter 'N' that shows the north direction.  Map also works on four Sub-directions. These Sub-directions are North- East, North-West, South-East and South-West.

26:- How can a scale helps to draw a map? Explain.
Ans:- A scale shows the ratio between the distance on the real earth and the distance on the map.
For example:- if we can assume one centimeter for one hundreds kilometers. this way 200 km will be 2 cm on the scale of the map.

27:- What is the use of signs and symbols in a map.
Ans:- Signs and symbols are used to show different landforms and water bodies on the map.
     For example:- A state boundry is shown by green lines and dots
                            An international boundry is shown by red lines and dots.

28:- What is the use of different colours in map?
Ans:-Different colours show different things on a map.
         For example:- High lands are shown by brown colours.
                                 Low lands and plains are shown with green colours.
                                 Shallow water is shown by light blue coloure.
                                 Deep water is shown by dark blue colour

29:- Why is map key important in a map?
Ans:- Map keys are generrally boxes in the corner of map . They give us important information that is essential to understand the map. 


The northern plains of India, ch-3, class-4,

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1- Who is the largest and most fertile plains of the world?
Ans:- The northern plains of India they stretch from Punjab in west and Assam in east. 

2- What is the length and width of northern plains in India?
Ans:- The length of the northern plains is 2400 km and the width varies between 150 km and 300 km.

3- Why northern plains of India is also called rice bowl of India?
Ans:- The northern plains of India is also called rice bowl of India because most of India's rice is grown in this region.

4- What is silt? What does the silt consist? 
Ans:-The fertile soil that is brought by rivers from the upper region to the down plains is called silt. Silt consist of fine sand, rock particle and clay. 

5- What is river basin? 
Ans:- River basin is an area which is watered by a river and its tributaries sutlej, Gangs and Brahmaputra are three river basins that make the northern plains.

6- Who is tributary of Sutlej river? 
Ans:- River beas

7- Write a name of dam that is built on sutlej river. 
Ans:- Bhakhra dam

8- Write a name of canal that is originated from sutlej river. 
Ans:- Indra Gandhi canal

9- From which glacier river Ganga originates? 
Ans:- River Ganga originated from Gangotri glacier. 

10- Which is the tributary of Ganga? 
Ans:- Yamuna

11- What is Sangam? 
Ans:- Ganga and Yamuna meet at Allahabad this place is called Sangam. It is a famous religious place of the Hindus. 

12- Name three states where Ganga basin is spread. 
Ans:- Utter Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.

13- Write seven tributary of Ganga other than Yamuna. 
Ans:- Alaknanda,  Mankdakini, Bhagirathi, Gandak, ghanghara, kosi, and gomti.

14- What is Padma and highly? 
Ans:- After flowing through uttarpradesh and Bihar the Ganga enters West Bengal. It splits here into two main pranches called padma and hooghly.

15- On which river bank Kolkata situated? 
Ans:- Hooghly

16- Which is the Major river of Bangladesh? 
Ans:- Padma is major river of Bangladesh. It joins the river Brahmaputra.

17- Which river originates from the Tibet? 
Ans:- Brahmaputra 

18- What is the name of Brahmaputra in Tibet? 
Ans:- Tsangpo

19- Write two states where Brahmaputra river flow? 
Ans:- Arunachal Pradesh and Assam

20- Which is the world largest delta? 
Ans:- Sunderban delta

21- Who form the largest delta of world Sunderban?
Ans:- The Ganga and Brahmaputra together form largest delta in the world.

22- Write three main rivers of Punjab.
Ans:- Sutlej, Bras and Ravi

23- Write three main crop that grown in Punjab. 
Ans:- Rice, Wheat and Sugarcane 

24- Write four big city of Punjab. 
Ans:- Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala and Amritsar

25- Who is the famous for golden Temple? 
Ans:- Amritsar

26- Write three main festival of Punjab. 
Ans:- Lohri, Baisakhi, and Gurupurabs

27- Write two popular fall dance of Punjab. 
Ans:- Gidha and Bhangra

28- Which are the favourite food items of Punjab peoples? 
Ans:- Make ki roti, Sarson ka swag, Butter, curd and Lassi

29- Write two main language of Punjab. 
Ans:- Punjabi and Hindi

30- Who is the combined capital of Punjab Gautama? 
Ans:- Chandigarh

31- Write two important river of Hariyana.
Ans:- Yamuna and Sutlej

32- Write three main crops of Hariyana. 
Ans:- Rice, Wheat and Sugercane

33- Write two important language of Hariyana.
Ans:- Hariyanvi and Hindi

34- Write a famous city of Hariyana. 
Ans:- Kurukshetra

35- Write five famous monuments of Delhi. 
Ans:- Red fort, Quatubminor, Bangla Shahi, Akashardham temple and Jantar mantra 

36- Who is the capital of India?
Ans:- New Delhi 

37- Which is the capital of Uttarpradesh? 
Ans:- Lucknow

38- Write six important city of Uttarpradesh 
Ans:- Merrut, Mathura, Agra, Kanpur, Varanasi and Allahabad.

39- Write important crops of Uttarpradesh. 
Ans:- Rice, Wheat, Sugarcane, Pulses, and oil seeds

40- Write two main language of Uttarpradesh.
Ans:- Hindi, Urdu

41- Write three major festival of Uttarpradesh.
Ans:- Holi, Diwali and Dussehra 

42- Who is the land of Buddha and Mahavira? 
Ans:- Bihar

43- Who is the capital of Bihar? 
Ans:- Patna

44- Write four main crops of Bihar. 
Ans:- Rice, Wheat, Sugarcane and jute

45- Write two important language of Bihar. 
Ans:- Hindi and Maithli

46- Which is the main festival of Bihar? 
Ans:- Chhath

47- Where is the capital of West Bengal? 
Ans:- Kolkata

48- Write main crops of west Bengal. 
Ans:- Rice and jute

49- Write two main language of west Bengal. 
Ans:- Hindi and Bangla

50- which is the main festival of west bengal?
Ans:- Durgapooja

51- Which river flows through Assam? 
Ans:- Brahmaputra 

52- Write three important crops of Assam. 
Ans:- Tea, jute and rice. 

53- Write the name of largest city of Assam. 
Ans:- Guwahati

54- Which is the main language of Assam? 
Ans:- Assamese

55- Which is the harvest festival of Assam? 
Ans:- Bihu

56- Write an important mineral that is found in Assam. 
Ans:- Petroleum 

57- Write three main crops of Tripura.
Ans:- Rice, jute and bamboo

58- Name the two states of India watered by sutlej. 
Ans:- Punjab and Hariyana

59- What happens when Ganga enters West Bengal? 
Ans:- When the Ganga enters to the best Bengal it splits here into two main branches called padma and hooghly. The googly flows through the kolcutta and then falls into the bay of Bengal. The padma enters Bangladesh and join Brahmaputra.  


The northern mountains of India, Chapter-2, class-4, S.St.

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1:- What are northern mountains?
Ans:- India is protected in the north by the great Himalayas and the Karakoram mountain range. These comprise the Northern mountains.

2:- Who is the highest mountain range of the world?
Ans:- Himalaya

3:- Write about the physical features of Himalaya range?
Ans:- He Himalaya range is stretches from Jammu and Kashmir in the weat to Arunachal pradesh in east. It has total length of about 2500 kilometres.

4:- Who is the highest mountain peak of the world?
Ans:- Mount everest

5:- Where is the mount Everest located? What is its hight?
Ans:- Mount Everest is located in Nepal. The hight of Mount Everest is 8848 metres.

6:- How many mountain ranges Himalaya has?
Ans:- Himalaya has three mountain ranges.
          1-The great himalayas (Himadri)
          2-The middle himalayas (Himachal)
          3-The outer himalayas (shivalik)

7:- Write short notes on Great Himalayas.
Ans:- Himadri is the highest range of Himalaya. It is the northernmost range of the Himalayas.
It contains all the highest peaks including Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, and Annapurna. Ganga, Yamuna, Indus, Sutlej and Brahamputra originate from the glaciers of Himadri.

8:- Which is the highest peak of India? What is its hight?
Ans:- The highest peak of India is Kanchenjunga. and the hight is 8586metres.

9:- From which glacier Ganga river starts?
Ans:- Ganga river starts from Gangotri glacier.

10:-From which glacier Yamuna river starts?
Ans:- Yamuna river starts from Yamunotri glacier.

11:- Write short notes on middle himalayas or Himachal.
Ans:- Himachal range is smaller than Himadri but greater than Shivalik. It lies to the south of the Himadri range. Kangra and Nainital are important valleys of the middle himalayas.There are some Hill towns like Srinagar, Nainital, Shimla, Mussoorie and Kangra.

12:- Write short notes on outer himalayas or Shivalik.
Ans:- Shivalik is the lowest mountain ranges of the Himalayas. It is the southern most part of the himalayas. Its slopes are covered with dense forests where a variety of wild animals live. the foothill area of this range is called terai.

13:- Write two national park that is situated in Shivalik .
Ans:- Corbett National park, Kaziranga national Park

14:- Write six name of Northest hills that is located in Shivalik.
Ans:- Garo, Khasi, Naga, Mizo, Lushai, and Jaintia

15:- Who is the second highest mountain peak of the world?
Ans:- Mount Godwin Austen (K2)

16:- What is the hight of Mount Godwin Austen?
Ans:- 8611 metre

17:- Write a name of glacier that is found in Shivalik.
Ans:- Glacier that is found in Shivalik is Siachen. It is the world second largest glacier outside the polar region.

18:- write five importance of the Himalayas?
Ans:- The five importance of himalayas are
          1- The Himalaya act like a wall on.                    our northern border and protects.                 us from enemies.
          2- The Himalayas stop the monsoon                 winds from crossing our country.                 and help in brininging rainfall to.                   the Northern plains of India. 
          3- Rivers originating from the                             Himalayas provide us water.                         throughout the water. 
          4- The forest of the Himalayas give.                us various medicinal herbs, wood,                fruits and minerals.
           5- The Himalayas also protect us.                     from the cold winds blowing                         from central Asia. 

19:- Write the name of twelve states that are located in northern mountains. 
Ans:- Jammy and Kashmir, Himachal pradesh uttrakhand, Sikkim, West Bengal,  Assam, Manicure, Tripura, Meghalaya, A run a half Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram. 

20:- Who is the summer capital of jammu and Kashmir?
Ans:- Srinagar

21:- Who is the winter capital of found in jammu and Kashmir? 
Ans:- Jammu

22:- Write two lakes that is found in jammu and Kashmir. 
Ans:- Dal lake and wheat lake. 

23:- Which boat is used in jammu and Kashmir for boating and selling fruits and vegetables? 
Ans:- Shikara

24:- What is favourite dress of man and women in Jammu and Kashmir? 
Ans:- Phiran

25:- What do the people of Kashmir used to keep them self warm?
Ans:- Kangari

26:- What is the favourite drink of people of jammu and Kashmir?
Ans:- Kashwa

27:- What is the special crop of jammu Kashmir? 
Ans:- Saffron

28:- Write four language that are spoken Kashmir.
Ans:- Kashmir,  Dori,  Urdu and Ladakhi

29:- Write two famous Hindu pilgrimage center of Jammu and Kashmir. 
Ans:- Srinagar and Gulmarg

30:- Who is the capital of Jonathan Pradesh? 
Ans:- Shimla

31:- Write four famous hill station of Himachal Pradesh. 
Ans:- Shimls, Kullu, Manali and Dalhousie

32:- What is the famous tourist attraction of Himachal Pradesh?
Ans:- The toy train that takes people from Kalka to Shimla is a special tourist attraction. 

33:- Write the name of traditional dress of Himachal pradesh.
Ans:- Pyjamas, Kurtas, shawls, colourful scarves and colour caps. 

34:- Write four fruits that are grown in Himachal Pradesh. 
Ans:- Apples, Cheries, Plums, Peaches and Apricots

35:- What is the official language of Himachal Pradesh?
Ans:- Hindi

36:- Write two famous festival of Himachal Pradesh. 
Ans:- Dissents and Diwali

37:- What is the capital of Uttrakhand?
Ans:- Dehradun

38:- Write two famous hill station of Uttrakhand. 
Ans:- Misapplied and Nainital

39:- Write five famous pilgrimage center of Hindu in Uttrakhand. 
Ans:- Gangotri, Yamunotri, Badrinath, Haridwar and Kedarnath. 

40:- Who is the also known as Devbhoomi or the land of God? 
Ans:- Uttrakhand

41:- Who is the capital of Sikkim?
Ans:- Gangtok

42:- Write three main tribes that live in Sikkim. 
Ans:- Brutus,  Lepcha and Nepali

43:- For which the Sikkim is famous for?
Ans:- Sikkim is famous for its beautiful orchids. 

44:- What do the women of Sikkim wear? 
Ans:- The women of Sikkim wear long skirts called Baku. 

45:- Which Mountain peak is located in Sikkim? 
Ans:- Kanchenjunga 

46:- Who is the famous hill station of west Bengal? 
Ans:- Darjeeling 

47:- What are seven sisters?  Name them. 
Ans:- The seven states of India that is situated in north east is called seven sister. 
The name of seven sisters are. 
1-Arunachal pradesh
2- Manipur
3- Assam
4- Meghalaya 
5- Mizoram
6- Tripura
7- Nagaland

48:- What is the capital of Arunachal Pradesh?
Ans:- Itanagar

49:- What is the capital of Manipur?
Ans:- Imphal 

50:- What is the popular dance of Manicure? 
Ans:- Manipuri dance

51:- Where is the capital of Assam? 
Ans:- Dispur

52:- What is the famous dance of Assam? 
Ans:- Bihu

53:- Write the famous Hindu pilgrimage center of Assam. 
Ans:- Kamakhya temple

54:- Where is the capital of Meghalaya? 
Ans:- Shillong

55:- Write the name of three tribes that are found in Meghalaya.
Ans:- Kathi,  Garo and Jaintia

56:- Write five important food items that are grown in Meghalaya.
Ans:- Rice, Potato, Sugarcane, pineapple, Oranges and jute. 

57:- Where is the capital of Mizoram? 
Ans:- Aizawl

58:- What is the meaning of Mizoram? 
Ans:-Land of hill people

59:- What is the main occupation of the people of Mizoram? 
Ans:- Agriculture

60:- What is the main language of the people of Mizoram? 
Ans:- Mizo

61:- Where is the capital of Tempura? 
Ans:- Agartala

62:- What is the capital of Nagaland? 
Abs:- Kohima

63:- Write three main crops of Nagaland. 
Ans:- Rice,  Maize and Millates

64:- Which fruits is grown in Nagaland? 
Ans:- Orange




Social study / class-4

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1:- Who is the seventh largest country of the world?
Ans:- India

2:- Who is the second most populous country in the world?
Ans:- India

3:- Why is India called a subcontinent?
Ans:- India is called a subcontinent due to its vastness and variety in landforms.

4:- What is the measures of india in length , breadth and area?
Ans:- India measures about 3214 km from north to south. It is about 2933 km wide from west to east. The total area of India is 3287263

5:- Write about the boarder of India.
Ans:- Our country is surrounded by Himalaya in North, Indian ocean in south, Bay of Bengal in the east and Arabian sea in West.

6:- What is peninsula?
Ans:- A landform that is surrounded by water on three sides is called peninsula. India is also a peninsula.

7:- What is the length of land frontier of India?
Ans:- 15200 km

8:- What is the length of main coastline of India"?
Ans:- 6100 km

9:- What is the length of  coastline including Island of india
Ans:- 7517 km

10:- Write two neighbouring country that donot share their boundry with India.
Ans:- Sri lanka, Maldives

11:- Write seven neighbouring country that share their boundry with India.
Ans:- Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh

12:- Which Ocean is named after our country?
Ans:- Indian ocean

13:- What is the population of India?
Ans:- 1.3 billion

14:- What are the main physical features of India?
Ans:- The main physical features of India are
          1-The northern mountains
          2-The northern plains
          3-The western desert
          4-The southern plateaus
          5-The coastal plains
          6-The Island

15:- Who is the biggest desert in India?
Ans:- Thar desert

16:- What is Physical map?
Ans:- The map that shows a country's physical features is called a physical map.

17:- How many states and union territories in India?
Ans:- There are 28 states and 9 union territories in India

18:- Which is the capital of India?
Ans:- New Delhi

19:- Which is the largest state of India?
Ans:- Rajasthan

20:- Which is the smallest state of India?
Ans:- Goa

21:- Which is the most populas state of India?
Ans:- Uttar pradesh

22:- What is the difference between state and union territory?
Ans:- State is ruled by state government while a union territory is ruled directly by central government.

23:- What is seven sisters ? Name them.
Ans:- There are seven states in north-East India. These states are called seven sisters.
          They are Assam, Arunachal pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.

24:- What is political map?
Ans:- A map that shows the political division of a country is called a political map.

25:- Why is southern India a peninsula?
Ans:- Southern india is a peninsula because it is surrounded by water on three sides .

26:- What is union territory? Name all the union territories of India?
Ans:- A union territory is ruled directly by the central government. The nine union territories are
          1-Andaman and Nicobar Islands
          3-Dadra and Nagar Haveli
          4-Daman and Diu
          6-Jammu and Kashmir

Physical features of India, ch-8, class-3,

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1- Write two other name of India.
Ans:- Bharat and Hindustan

2:- In which continent India located. 
Ans:- Asia

3:- What is peninsula?
Ans:- A peninsula is a land having water bodies on its three sides. India is also a peninsula.

4:- Write about boundary of India. 
Ans:- India has the bay of Bengal in east, Arabian sea in the west, the Indian Ocean In the south and Himalaya in north. 

5:- Write seven neighbouring countries of India that share their boundaries with India.
Ans:- Pakistan,  Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan,  China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. 

6:- Write the neighbouring country of India that does not share its boundary. 
Ans:- Shrilanka

7:- What are the six geographical region of India?
Ans:- The six geographical region of India are. 
 1- The Northern mountains
 2- The Northern plains
 3- The Great India desert 
 4- The Southern plateau
 5- The Coastal plains
 6- Island

8:- Who is the highest mountain range in the world? 
Ans:- Himalaya

9:- Write four name of Heighest mountain in world. 
Ans:- Kanchenjunga,  Dhaulagiri,  Nangaparvat and Annapurna. 

10:- Who is the Heighest mountain peak of the world? 
Ans:- Mounteverest

11:- What is the height of Mount Everest? 
Ans:- 8848 m

12:- Where is the Mount Everest located? 
Ans:- Nepal

13:- Write four name of river that ordinate from the Himalaya? 
Ans:- Gangs,  Yakima,  Brahmaputra and Sutlaj

14:- Write three sentences about Northern plains. 
Ans:- To the south of the Himalayas lie the vast plains of India,  known as the Northern plains. Rivers like the Gangs and Yakima flow through these plains,  making them fertile. Different types of crops are grown in the Northern plains by the farmers. 

15:- Who is the known as the ship of desert?
Ans:- Camel

16:- What do you know about Great India desert? 
Ans:- Great Indian desert is popularly known as the That desert. It covers a large part of Rajsthan state. Only a few plants and trees like cactus and date plum grow in desert. Camel is the chief means of transport in a desert. 

17:- Write four name of rivers that flow in southern platue. 
Ans:- Godavri,  Krishna,  Narmada and Tapti

18:- How many Islands forms Andman and Nicobar? 
Ans:- 572

19:- How many Islands form Laxdweep? 
Ans:- 36

20:-Tick the correct answer.

1. India is located in the continent of
                a-  Africa                                  b- Asia                                             c-  Europe
2.It is located to the south of India
                a-  Arabian See                         b- Bay of Bengal                             c-  Indian Ocean
3. This river flows through the Northern Plains.
                a-  Godavari                              b- Ganga                                         c-  Krishna
4.Dhaulagiri, Nanga Parbat and Annapurna are the names of
                a- mountains                              b-  plateaus                                     c-Plains

17 :-  Fill in the blanks using the given clues


1-India does not share its boundaries with __________.
2-The great indian Desert is popularly known as the __________ desert.
3-Mount Everest is located in __________.
4-___________ is the chief means of transport in a desert.
5-The Deccan Plateau is situated__________ of the Northern plains.


Water, ch-7, class- 3,

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1:- Why do we need water?
Ans:- We need water to drink, cook, wash and bath. 

2:- How much earth surface is covered with water?
Ans:- Two-third

3:- Write four uses of water.
Ans:- The four uses of water are.
1- Animals use water to drink
2- Plants use water to make food 
3- Water also help in transportation
4- Water is used to generate electricity 

4:- What are the different forms in which water is found?
Ans:- Water is found in three different forms.
1- solid
2- liquid
3- gas

5:- Which is solid form of water?
Ans:- Ice

6:- Which is the gaseous form of water?
Ans:- Water vapour 

7:- Why do plants and animals need water?
Ans:- Plants need water to make food and animals need water to drink. 

8:- Who is the main source of water?
Ans:- Rain

9:- What is water cycle? Explain how it happens.
Ans:- During the day time water lying on the ground gets heated by the sun and convert into vapour. This vapour rises up in the air and cools down and form cloud. When the  clouds become too heavier, they again changes into water droplets and fall on the earth as rain. This entire process is called water cycle.

10:- How can we purify water at home?
Ans:- We can purify water at home by boiling, filtering or by adding chlorine tablets.

11:- What is rain water harvesting?
Ans:- The collection and storage of rain water that runs on natural or man made things is called rain water harvesting.

16:-Tick the correct answer.

1. Most of the earth's surface is covered with
                a-  Air                                       b- Water                                           c-  clouds
2.Water can be purified by
                a-  boiling                                 b-  freezing                                      c-  non of these
3. In cities, water is supplied to homes through.
                a-  drains                                    b- pipelines                                     c-  tanks
4.The most important source of water is
                a- oceans                                    b-  rain                                             c-seas
5.Underground water is brought to the surface by
                a- tube wells                               b- hand pumps                                 c- both of these 
17 :-  Fill in the blanks using the given clues

1-We should never waste __________.
2-Farmers use water to grow __________.
3-In nature, water is constantly changing its __________.
4-Most of the water on the earth is found in__________ and ___________.
5-Water is used to produce __________.
6-Shortage of water can lead to __________.